Friday, February 26, 2010

The Cockroach Project

A few years back I was approached by Ruth Fertig, a film student at UT. She was doing a documentary on cockroaches and asked if she could speak with me; I jumped at the chance (we all know I'm a bit crazy for cockroaches). Her documentary, The Cockroach Project, was the end result. She sent a copy to me last year and as I was getting together information for my CV, it popped up on the radar. Apparently, it recently showed on the Documentary Channel (Dish Network). Here is a clip of the video:

Ruth has since graduated and moved to New York City where she continues to make documentaries.


  1. Now you've teased us, we want to see the entire documentary. Let's book a room and pop some popcorn!

  2. I have my copy on DVD, should I set up a screening?

  3. Great clip! How cool that you were able to be involved in this project.
