Friday, March 15, 2013

Are you interested in citizen science?

Are you interested in citizen science or dragonflies?  If so and you have access to a pond or wetland area, then you can sign up for a citizen science project with the Xerces Society.  Their Dragonfly Watch Pond Project is a volunteer program to investigate annual movement of five species of migratory dragonflies.  The project is open to anyone who has interest in dragonfly ecology and has access to a pond or wetland area.  You can sign up by clicking this link.

On another totally unrelated note, there is a new pest in Utah.  There might have been some possible sightings of this pest here in central Texas....have you seen these (click video link below)?

Friday, March 8, 2013

Organic Pest Control Options Seminar

Friday, March 15, 2013, 9:00 to 11:00 AM
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service
1600 Smith Rd, Austin TX 
Dr. Joe Masabni, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service vegetable specialist, will present a 2 hour webinar on organic product options for controlling garden pests.  Many organic products are not as effective as others. Also, organic products are not necessarily safer to use than synthetic options and should be handled and used with care.  With the need to control pollution and other harmful effects of over-use of pesticides, learning which organic products actually work, and how to use them, is crucial.

2 TDA Ag pesticide recertification CEUs will be offered.

Class is limited to 25 participants.  Please register at   keyword: Organic.  Or register by phone (979) 845-2604.  If space is available, onsite registration will be offered at 8:00 AM on the morning of the program.  Class fee is $10.
Acrobat ants tending honeydew producing aphids.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Cockroach video- does it get any better?

I know y'all don't have my love of cockroaches, but humor me here.  I know I'm always telling you how cockroaches are actually very clean because they groom themselves, but they just happen to sometimes inhabit gross areas.  Well, if you didn't believe me, I now have back up!

Science Friday has a video on cockroach grooming from research conducted by Coby Schal.  Check it out!

Poor little roaches...wonder if they call it the cone of shame for them as well?